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title STDERRF - Main Procedure for the STDERRF Application
comment ÷
STDERRF Main Procedure for the STDERRF Application
STDERRF Filename Exename ["Command Line"]
Filename is the file that the STDERR from Exename program
is to be redirected.
Exename is the full drive:path/filename.ext of the program
that STDERRF is to execute and redirect the the
Command Line is an option arguement that is the command line
for the Exename application. If there are any embedded
blanks, the entire string must be delimited by double
The basic outline of STDERRF is:
1. Accepts three command line arguments:
a. The full path and filename of the file into which STDERR is
to be written.
b. The full path and filename of the program to be executed.
c. The command line for the program to be executed (should be
delimited by double quotes to allow multiple arguments).
This argument is optional.
2. Releases all memory above the program using Int 21 function 4ah
so that there will be room enough to load and execute the
designated program.
3. Opens the file from step #1.a above into which STDERR is to be
written. If file exists, ask user to continue. If to continue,
ask user if the file is to be truncated or output appended.
Perform the requested actions.
4. Duplicates STDERR filehandle using Int 21h function 45h.
5. Uses Int 21h function 46h, force STDERR filehandle to have the
filehandle of the opened file from step #2.
6. Uses Int 21h function 4b00h to load and execute the program from
step #1.a. Use the default environment and the command line from
step #1.c above.
7. Upon return from the function 4b00h, closes the file opened in
step #2.
8. Restores STDERR using Int 21h function 46h to force STDERR to
point to the filehandle saved from step #3 above.
STDERRF was assembled using MASM 6.11A with the following settings:
Preserve Case of Naes in Object File
Warning Level 3
Defines: SIMPLE - See STARTUP1.ASM for explanation
Procedures called:
GetValidChoice GETVLDC.ASM
DOS Interrupts:
Int 21h 3dh - Open File with Handle
Int 21h 3eh - Close File with Handle
Int 21h 40h - Write to file or device
Int 21h 42h - Move File Pointer
Int 21h 45h - Duplicate File Handle
Int 21h 46h - Force duplication of filehandle
Int 21h 4bh - Load and Execute Program
Int 21h 5bh - Create New File
Stack: 4 bytes
Data: 32 bytes
_BSS: 128 bytes
Const: 187 bytes
Code: 314 bytes
STDERRF Appliation
Stack: 512 bytes
Data: 83 bytes
_BSS: 128 bytes
Common: 12 bytes
Const: 760 bytes
Code: 699 bytes
STDERRF requires 3,184 bytes of memory to exectute plus the size of
the passed environment and environment's Memory Control Block which
is 16 bytes.
If no errors, returns the return code of the executed program to
the Start_Up1S to be STDERRF's return code.
Raymond Moon - 5 Mar 95
Copyright (c) 1995, MoonWare
Version - Date - Remarks
1.00 - 5 Mar 95 - Orginal
÷ End of Comment
include procesor.inc
assume es:DGROUP
; Include files
include stderrf.inc
; Equates
; ARGV equates. Using the SIMPLE option, ARGV is argv[0] vice a pointer
; to them.
argvStdErrFile equ ARGV
argvExeFilename equ ARGV + 2
argvCommandTail equ ARGV + 4
; Structures
LPtr struc ; Long Pointer structure
lpOffset dw ? ; Offset
lpSeg dw ? ; Segment
LPtr ends
LoadExec_S struc
leEnvironment dw ? ; Environmental block segment address
leCommandTail LPtr <> ; Address of Command Tail
leFCB_1 LPtr <> ; address of default FCB, #1
leFCB_2 LPtr <> ; address of second FCB, #2
LoadExec_S ends
CommandTail_S struc
ctLength db ? ; Length of command tail minus end CR
ctLeadingSpace db ? ; Initial space to start command tail
ctText db 126 dup (?) ; Command Tail
CommandTail_S ends
EmptyFCB db 11 dup (20h), 5 dup (00h)
ParamBlk LoadExec_S {\
0, ; Use STDERRF's environ
{CommandTail, DGROUP}, ; LPTR to CommandTail
{EmptyFCB, DGROUP}, ; LPTR to 1st FCB
{EmptyFCB, DGROUP}} ; LPTR to 2nd FCB
DupStdErr word 0
LOGO db "STDERRF - Redirect STDERR Output To A File Utility", CR, LF,
"Copyright (c) MoonWare, 1995", CR, LF,
REDIR db LF, "WARNING: Redirection File Exists. Continue? (y/n): ",
TRUN db CR, LF, "Overwrite or Append? (o/a): "
CommandTail CommandTail_S <>
; Start CODE segment with the proper relationship with external
; procedures
extrn Start_Up1s:near
extrn Exit:near
extrn GetValidChoice:near
Main proc ARGV:ptr, ARGC:word
local FileHandle:word
; Display LOGO
; See if there is anything to do. Must have 2 args min. If not,
; display usage
cmp ARGC, 2 ; Is ARGC == 2?
jae MN1 ; It's equal or larger, continue
mov ax, eqUSAGE ; Indicate USAGE error
call Exit ; Call Exit
; See if DOS version is 3.0 or later
MN1: cmp OSMAJOR, 3 ; Is DOS version 3.0 or better?
jae MN2 ; Yes, continue
mov ax, eqBADDOSVER ; Indicate error type
call Exit ; Call Exit
; Duplicate STDERR Filehandle
MN2: mov bx, STDERR ; BX = handle to duplicate
mov ah, 45h ; Request Duplicate
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc MN3 ; Successful
mov bx, ax ; Move DOS Error into BX
mov ax, eqDUPERR ; Error, tell user which error
call Exit ; Call Exit Routine
MN3: mov DupStdErr, ax ; Save Duplicated STDERR Handle
; Initialize the Command Tail, if present. ARGC = 3, if present.
cmp ARGC, 2 ; See if equal to 2 and skip
jbe MN6 ; Yes, skip
mov CommandTail.ctLeadingSpace, ' '
; Initialize the blank
lea di, CommandTail.ctText ; DI => Command Tail Text
mov si, argvCommandTail ; SI => Passed Command Line
mov cx, 1 ; CX = counter, starts 1 for space
MN4: lodsb ; Get the next char
or al, al ; Is it a null?
jz MN5 ; Yes, we are finished
stosb ; No, store it
inc cx ; Account for char
jmp MN4 ; Go start the process again
MN5: mov byte ptr [di], CR ; Terminate with CR
mov CommandTail.ctLength, cl; Save length
; Open the file into which the stderr will be directed.
; Open first to see if it already exists.
MN6: mov dx, argvStdErrFile ; DS:DX => Filename
mov ax, 3d01h ; Open for write only
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc MN8 ; File exists, see what to do
; The file could not be opened so it does not exist. Create the
; file.
mov dx, argvStdErrFile ; DS:DX => filename
xor cx, cx ; CX = Normal Attributes
mov ah, 5bh ; Request Create New File
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc MN7 ; Successful, skip error
mov bx, ax ; Move error into BX
mov ax, eqCREATEERR ; Identify type of error
call Exit ; Call Exit Routine
MN7: mov FileHandle, ax ; No Error, save filehandle
jmp MN12 ; Skip the open handling code
; Save the Filehandle.
MN8: mov FileHandle, ax
; File exists, see if the user wants to continue.
@WRITE REDIR,STDERR ; Display question
mov ax, "ny" ; Pass valid choices
call GetValidChoice ; Get response
jnc MN9 ; Yes, user wants to continue
mov ax, eqUSERTERM ; Indicate user terminate
call EXIT ; Call Exit
; The user wants to continue, see if the file is to be appended or
; truncated.
MN9: @WRITE TRUN, STDERR ; Display question
mov ax, "ao" ; Pass valid choices
call GetValidChoice ; Get user response
jnc MN10 ; User wants to truncate
; User wants to append, set up for a move file pointer to end of file.
mov ax, 4202h ; Request move filepointer to end
jmp MN11 ; Go to the rest of int code
; User wants to truncate, set up for a move file pointer to start
MN10: mov ax, 4200h ; Request move filepointer to start
; Move file pointer to desired starting position
MN11: mov bx, FileHandle ; BX = filehandle
xor cx, cx ; DX:CX = Offset
mov dx, cx ; Offset = 0000:0000
int 21h ; Call DOS
; Write zero bytes to confirm position
mov dx, offset TRUN ; DS:DX => buffer to print
xor cx, cx ; CX = zero length to write
mov bx, FileHandle ; BX = Filehandle
mov ah, 40h ; Request write file or device
int 21h ; Call DOS
; Force duplication of STDERR filehandle to FileHandle
MN12: mov bx, FileHandle ; BX = new filehandle for STDERR
mov cx, STDERR ; CX = filehandle to change
mov ah, 46h ; Request force dup filehandle
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc MN13 ; Error, go tell user
mov bx, ax ; Move error into BX
mov ax, eqFORCEDUPERR ; Indicate type of error
call Exit ; Call Exit
; Load and execute program.
MN13: mov dx, argvExeFilename ; DS:DX => Filename to execute
mov bx, offset ParamBlk ; ES:BX => Parameter block
mov ax, 4b00h ; Request load and execute
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc MN14 ; No error, continue
mov bx, ax ; Error, move error code into BX
mov ax, eqEXECERR ; Indicate the type of error
call Exit ; Call Exit
; Restore STDERR by force duplicating STDERR handle back to saved
; filehandle for STDERR
MN14: mov cx, DupStdErr ; CX = new handle for STDERR
mov bx, STDERR ; BX = handle to change
mov ah, 46h ; Request force dup filehandle
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc MN15 ; No error, continue
mov DupStdErr, 0 ; Indicate not to redirect STDERR
; again
mov bx, ax ; Error, move error code into BX
mov ax, eqRESTOREERR ; Indicate the type of error
call Exit ; Call Exit
; Zero DupStdErr so that after any future errors the Exit procedure
; will not attempt to restore STDERR.
MN15: mov DupStdErr, 0 ; Indicate not to redirect STDERR
; again
; Close redirected file.
mov bx, FileHandle ; BX = Filehande to close
mov ah, 3eh ; Request close filehandle
int 21h ; Call DOS
jnc MN16 ; No error, continue
mov bx, ax ; Error, move error code into BX
mov ax, eqCLOSEERR ; Indicate the type of error
call Exit ; Call Exit
; Return to startup code with the return code of the child program.
MN16: mov ah, 4dh ; Request get child return code
int 21h ; Call DOS
ret ; Return to startup code to exit
Main endp